Here's How to Make Your Own Skin Mangosteen Extract

Because of the many benefits contained in mangosteen peel , then extract powder product derived mainly from the skin of the fruit is currently favored by the people who prefer herbal products rather than chemically treating or maintaining health. Mangosteen peel can be extracted through a variety of ways , but the most popular is by making it into a powder .

In addition to efficiently extract in powder form can make the skin mangosteen last longer before we consume as a medicinal herb . The manufacturing process is not difficult , following which we will discuss in detail to make it easier for you to try at home :

1. Select Mangosteen Good

Before making the mangosteen peel extract , the fundamental thing you have to do is choose the raw materials of good quality , ie the whole mangosteen fruit , not rotten and still looks fresh .

2. Small - Cut Leather Small

After obtaining the mangosteen fruit , the next step is to wash and clean the fruits without using soap to avoid a touch of chemical products . Once clean , open the fruit one by one , remove it and then grab the skin and cut into small pieces with a size of approximately 4 cm .

3. Drying Under the Sun

For the drying process , we need the help of sunlight . The trick , drying the pieces of mangosteen peel in the sun to dry . The time required for drying is usually between 2 to 3 days .

4. Mash Up Fine

After the mangosteen skin is completely dry and allows for the extraction process , then immediately crushed into a powder or fine powder . This process can also be done using a mill chili . Please note , make sure that all media are used in a clean state .

5. Save In The Closed

The final stage of mangosteen peel powder extraction process is to perform the storage in the right place is the place closed and airtight as well as at room temperature between 25 ° C - 30 ° C . To be more practical , you could also store the extracted the empty capsules that you can get at the drugstore.

How to Consume :

To maintain good health , consuming the extract rutinlah 4 capsules per day with rules of use 2 capsules once in the morning and two capsules at night .

Skin Mangosteen Extract Benefits :

To remind you of the importance of mangosteen peel extract to the body , here are some of the benefits you will get if routinely consume :

  •  Ageless
  • Preventing cancer
  •  Treating strep
  •  Prevent neurological diseases
  • Treating shortness of breath
  •  Coping with diarrhea
  •  Preventing the formation of kidney stones
  •  Treat ulcers
  •  Lowering bad cholesterol
  • Stabilizes blood sugar
  •  Strengthen the immune
  •  Overcoming hemorrhoids
  •  Lowering high blood pressure
  •  Preventing heart disease

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